Waterman’s Legacy Circle 

Whether as a bequest in your will, as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, or as designee on your life insurance policy, these generous acts all qualify you to become a member of Waterman’s Legacy Circle. If this is an idea you’d like to explore, please contact Waterman’s Executive Director, Christie Hallowell.

Where do Legacy gifts go?

All Legacy Circle gifts become part of Waterman’s growing endowment unless otherwise designated. Your generosity ensures Waterman’s healthy, vibrant future for generations at no cost to you today.

Is there a require minimum donation?

No, any amount is welcome. Though designating a specific dollar amount is one path for planned giving, many donors prefer to use a percentage bequest, a residuary bequest or a contingent bequest.

What if you prefer to remain anonymous?

We hope you will let us know about your decision to include Waterman’s in your estate plans but you are not required to do so. If you want to let us know but prefer to remain anonymous and not have your name listed as a Legacy Circle member, we will respect your privacy.

How do I include a bequest to Waterman’s in my will or trust?

 Here’s sample language for your will or trust you can use to leave a bequest to Waterman’s. Our federal identification number is 31-1562189 and our mailing address is P.O. Box 526, North Haven, ME 04853.   Please note that any bequests not otherwise designated will go toward endowment.  We encourage you to check with your legal advisors to ensure the designation conforms to legal requirements in the state where you reside.

Unrestricted – For operations: I give, devise and bequeath [insert a description of asset, dollar amount or a stated portion of the residuary estate] to Waterman’s Community Center, a public benefit corporation based in North Haven, Maine, for its general operations.

Restricted - Endowment: I give, devise and bequeath [insert a description of asset, dollar amount or a stated portion of the residuary estate] to Waterman’s Community Center, a public benefit corporation based in North Haven, Maine, for its endowment.

 Restricted – Building or other: I give, devise and bequeath [insert a description of asset, dollar amount or a stated portion of the residuary estate] to Waterman’s Community Center, a public benefit corporation based in North Haven, Maine, [for maintenance and improvements to its building] [other].

 A wonderful group of friends have named Waterman’s in their estate plans

Waterman’s Legacy Circle Members

Joan & Dan Amory

Dick Bloom*

Jody & John* Bush

Eleanor Campbell*

Nancy Hopkins-Davisson & Jamie Davisson

Betsy & Chris Forster*

Lueza* & Bruce Gelb

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hegarty*

David Hopkins & David Wilson

Beth Lamont

George Lewis*

Rebecca Waterman Otten

Don Pearson

Steven Phillips & Isabel Swift

Shaunagh Robbins

Alex Sanger

Hugh Thacher

Mary H. White

Janet Macomber Williamson

       Anonymous (2)      * Deceased

  • Thoughtful Lasting Impact

    Chris and I, a life-long summer resident, decided to join the Waterman’s Legacy Circle because we value the vital role Waterman’s has in the North Haven community. We want to help assure that after we are gone, Waterman’s Community Center will continue to thrive, as a fulfilling place for the Forster family to enjoy in the summer and as a welcoming beacon of light and activity during those cold, dreary North Haven winter days.                                                                                       

  • My Anchor

    North Haven is my anchor. Even since growing up here, during the Depression, no matter where I traveled, it has been my touchstone and has held a special place in my heart. Now, at 93, I want to support the North Haven community to ensure it will be here for generations to come. Waterman’s programs and events are essential to keeping North Haven thriving and vibrant. To this end, I’m proud to join Waterman’s Legacy Circle by including Waterman’s in my estate plans.           

  • Why I’m proud to be a Waterman’s Legacy Circle member

    With Lueza at peace and the rest of the world on or two steps from chaos, is there really such a place called North Haven? Caring people, friendly faced, natural beauty of the trees and shoreline... all more and more lovely as the years go by! Lueza and I found and will always remember endless summers of happiness on this very special island.

Waterman’s would be honored to be included in your legacy.

If you are interested in exploring other forms of planned giving, please contact Christie.